HMRC makes changes to UK property returns

HMRC has made significant changes to the paper 60-day property reporting return to make it easier to complete. What’s changed?

HMRC makes changes to UK property returns

A UK property return needs to be filed within 60 days of completion of a UK property disposal - this will usually involve a sale or gift. UK-resident taxpayers only need to complete the return if there is tax to pay whereas non-UK residents need to complete the return in all cases. There have certainly been some teething issues with the introduction of the CGT on UK Property reporting service, and the paper version of the form has now been updated in response to feedback. The form now includes notes to help taxpayers complete the return and new sections to enter details of an authorised agent, repayment details if the return is an amendment and a section to allow taxpayers to make a return after a self-assessment return has been filed.

Details of who can send a paper return instead of using the online service can be found here. This is likely to be most beneficial to those who have difficulties setting up an account due to HMRC’s online verification process. Instead of dealing with the frustration of being denied access, you can now call HMRC to request a paper return instead. In the past, those living overseas had enormous difficulty in setting up an account because some did not have any form of UK ID or UK credit history. Non-UK resident users can now access the online service using an alternative sign in method, following these instructions

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